So far, we’ve had a couple articles explaining the thought chain we’re pursing when it comes to digital systems and computers for 2050. In this article, I’m going to outline some actual game rules and associated numbers for these. I’ll also try to explain any pertinent lines of thinking regarding […]

Project 2050: Digital Rules

One of the key questions or decisions that Project 2050 has to make is what we’re going to do – or recommend – about the Net. How does it look? How does the interface work? What happens there? Our first clues lie in our inspirational materials. In Neuromancer, Gibson describes […]

Project 2050: Visualizing The Net

For weeks now we’ve been chucking spells into Divinus without providing a solid discussion of the school. It’s time to fix that. Let’s start by stating that Divinus is more than just a school. Divine magic is fundamentally different from arcane magic. Sure, arcane magic is ‘magic’, but it’s magic with […]

Project Arcana: Divinus Spell List

Okay, let’s start with a quick recap of the school: Divination is all about knowing things that aren’t normally knowable. Most Divination spells reveal knowledge by extending the senses through the use of magic. In theory, this mechanic should allow all senses to be extended (Gene’s Enormous Tongue, anyone?), but in […]

Project Arcana: Divination Spell List

So, we’ve talked before about what we hope to accomplish with 2050, but one thing that we keep going back and forth on is the setting itself. After the OGL rules are released, we are going to crunch hard on the core rulebook, which will include a campaign setting. Dad and […]

Weekly Dump: 2050 Setting

So, of course, no modern or near future setting would be complete without a sweet ride. So, vehicles! The way 5e handles vehicles is pretty simple: it doesn’t. Okay, yeah, there is a tool proficiency called “Vehicles(land)” associated with a background or two (the Folk Hero comes to mind). However, […]

Project 2050: Vehicles

As we talked about in this initial take-down of Evocation, this school is all about energy: Adding it, subtracting it, flinging it, sucking it, making it tangible. Evocation spells magically manipulate energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning, others affect the weather, and […]

Project Arcana: Evocation Spell List

Only three primary schools left! Today, I’ll be hashing out the Transmutation spell list. As a school, transmutation seems like it should be one of the more obvious categories of magical mechanisms. It’s a pretty standard concept, turning one thing into another, yet a lot of complexity and nuance exist […]

Project Arcana: Transmutation Spell List

Happy Monday (ugh, Tuesday), everyone! This week, I’ll be finishing up my review of A Touch of Class. Part 1 was last week, so make sure you check that out first. Feywalker The Feywalker is, ostensibly, a fairy-powered fighter. It’s the class for those that want to be Tom Bombadil, though […]

Weekly Dump: ‘A Touch of Class’ Review, Part 2

Computers and other types of digital technology are going to be a key feature of Project 2050. We’re going to try to project forward in a reasonable way while maintaining viability, recognition, and playability. Enough people have read Gibson’s ‘Sprawl’ books, Cline’s ‘Ready Player One’, and have seen ‘Bladerunner’, ‘Johnny Mnemonic’, […]

Project 2050: Computers