As a child, I was only able to acquire three or four games per year: one on my birthday, one on Christmas, and one or two purchased on my own, using the allowance I had saved up from chores. Once I was old enough to work in the summer, I […]
To be fair, Magic the Gathering has long held a monopoly on the majority of trading card games as well as a fairly successful online game well before Hearthstone was created. But in a way, Hearthstone is one of the first to bring what was seen as a niche community […]
For the first time, I found a MOBA that I like. Not League of Legends, nor Defense of the Ancients, but Heroes of the Storm. But why do I like it? I found myself asking this reflexive question between matches recently. Is it the whole ‘Closet Blizzard Fanboy’ in me, […]