core::2050 – Corporate Wizard

We hope you had the chance to see Chemin de Fer, the first episode of Roll4It’s production of LP’s first full adventure in code::2050 Un Coup de Main. It airs on R4I’s twitch channel on Tuesday night at 9pm EST, and drops onto their YouTube channel the next day.

We’ve been working hard at fleshing out the the world of code::2050 in a project called core::2050.  core::2050 will include world and nation information, descriptions about where and how the various races live, the nations of the world, the uses of technology, a bunch of new subclasses, items and monsters, and a how this whole ‘adventuring’ thing works in the post-modern world. The FIDA pamphlet we dropped a couple days ago is part of that effort.

Here’s another sample of the progress, one of the new Wizard traditions:

Arcane Tradition: Corporate Wizard

Your emphasis is on creating a safe operating environment and maximum profits for the company that paid for you to develop your talents. They also forced you to dual-major in Business, which was kind of lame. Casting ‘augury’ to validate contracts isn’t flashy, and you don’t get a lot of time to work on your own interests, but it’s a living! Wizards choosing this tradition are adventuring on hiatus from their companies, and must return to reinvest and reacclimate to corporate life by spending several weeks at company “training retreats” at the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Of course, it is a significant sacrifice for your company to spare one of its very few Adventurers for an extended period. After each corporate retreat, you must submit a letter in triplicate to your division chief and the head of HR asking for the leave of absence from your corporate duties. Roll a d6 on the following table to determine the reason HR grants the leave.

  1.  Unorthodox Corporate Wealth Strategy – Someone at the company has determined that this might be a good way for the company to make some money. Perhaps they’re planning on farming you out, or maybe they’ve taken out a large insurance policy on you. Whatever the reasoning, they think you’re going to make them some money. Just go with it.
  2.  Exploration for potential R&D – The company is planning on branching out, and you’re the guy who’s going to do the research and lay the groundwork for that expansion. This is very hush-hush, we don’t want to give anything away to the competition, so keep it on the ‘down-low’.
  3.  Extended Sabbatical for Executive Growth – Your potential here is unlimited! And your unique temperament and abilities mean you’ll do your best work down the road if the company gives you a little running around time now. Just keep in touch and plan on doing a conference call every few months to brief the Board on your progress.
  4. PR Stunt – The company is going to milk this for all that it’s worth. Expect to be on the net, in magazines, cereal boxes, the works. You’re going to be the heroic face of the company! Just try to avoid too much scarring, okay?
  5. High-Level Executive w/ No real duties – You’re too valuable, too well connected, or have too much dirt on someone to be let go, but you’re really being a pain in the ass about having nothing to do.If you want to go out and get yourself killed, go ahead. In fact, that would suit the company just fine.
  6. Orders from a highly-placed Executive Sponsor – Your unparalleled ass-kissing has paid off; someone very highly placed is covering your bacon and giving you a thumbs-up to waste the company’s time and resources (i.e.: you) on a boondoggle. Enjoy it while it lasts, wise guy, because your buddy could be first on the chopping block when the next reorg hits.

Digital Wizardry

At 2nd level when you choose this tradition, you may use a laptop and a private cloud database as your spellbook. If you lose your laptop or it is destroyed, you can recover your spells on a new laptop by spending 24 downtime hours working on it. Copying new spells to your database requires the same gp cost as a traditional spellbook.

Trade Forums

Also at 2nd level, when you take a long rest in a place where you have a ‘Net connection, you may prepare a number of spells equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) from the entire Wizard spell list, even if they are not in your spellbook. These spells must be of a level you can cast, and do not count against the number of spells you may prepare in a day.

And in case you missed it, here’s that first episode. We hope you’ll tune in to the live Twitch stream,  but at least take a minute check out the cool intro!



The Brat Prince of COBOL