Welcome Adventurer!
Congratulations, you have successfully completed your training and apprenticeship and have joined a profession to which few are called and even fewer are chosen: Adventurer! This pamphlet will tell you a lot of what you need to know to get started. Much of what follows is considered common knowledge, but you may find a nugget of new information, and there are important discussions of your rights and responsibilities under international law, so please read completely through.
All active Adventurers must retain membership and receive credentials from the Fédération Internationale des Aventuriers (Common: International Federation of Adventurers), or FIDA, which is the international governing and sanctioning body for Adventurers. FIDA credentials allow free use of magic; travel with, carry, and use of weapons; and the right to take lethal action against sentient beings under certain circumstances.
FIDA is the sole issuing authority for Adventuring credentials. It issues, guarantees, and can revoke Adventuring credentials on a case-by-case basis. These credentials are hard to get, are good for life (unless revoked), and are tied to the individual Adventurer via strict and thorough biometrics. They are a mark of pride and exclusivity in most of the world and for most people.
An Adventurer’s Welcome?
The attitude towards adventurers varies, of course. In some areas we are viewed as romantic and exciting; in others as a nuisance, and everywhere as dangerous. The tools of the trade – weapons and magic – are not always appreciated or tolerated in public spaces. In some places, only proper authorities are allowed to use either of them.
However, most of the countries and cities of the world recognize FIDA credentials, and will allow Adventurers to carry weapons in public spaces and on public transportation. However, most airlines will require weapons to be cased and placed in the hold.
One thing to remember: Adventuring is not a crime and Adventurers are not criminals because they’re Adventurers. In most of the world Adventuring is an above-board, respected, and legal profession.
Adventurers are required to receive and maintain adventuring credentials in order to legally do the things we do. Most U.N. signatory countries and all of the G20 nations recognize FIDA credentials, as do many non-signatory nations. But, there are non-FIDA countries as well. Adventurers can work in these countries, but the country may not allow all the normal privileges of a FIDA Adventurer, or gaining those privileges may require individual negotiation and additional fees at the time of entry.
Teams and individuals associated with independent guilds or private organizations – such as megacorps or governments – might not find it absolutely necessary, but for everyone else it is impossible to function as an Adventurer without FIDA credentials.
The ‘VENTR’ App
‘VENTR’ is a must-have app for independent adventurers and adventuring teams, especially in more urban areas. The VENTR app can be loaded to any standard smart device. The VENTR app is owned, maintained, and certified by FIDA. It is tied to the Adventurer’s ID, and is absolutely secure.
Absolutely secure? Absolutely! The best hackers in the world are FIDA Adventurers, and they wrote the app. The VENTR app is as secure from technical, magical, and divine interference as anything can be.
Uses and Functions of the VENTR App
There are different versions of the VENTR app, the most complete being the one used by Adventurers. But there are versions for government authorities and for individuals seeking to hire Adventurers through VENTR. These versions of the app lack some of the features of the full Adventurer’s version, but will have messaging, contracting and payment, and credential verification. Most of the functions associated with assignments and contracts are available online at the FIDA VENTR web site: www.goventr.com .
- Credentials Credentials are maintained and shared using the VENTR app. Any country that recognizes FIDA credentials will accept those
credentials directly from the VENTR app. This will generally be an app-to-app confirmation using a smart device, but where technology is limited, the authorities may accept a validation number and contact FIDA for confirmation, which can take anywhere from several hours to several days.
- Assignments Adventurers can search the VENTR app for contract offers, narrowing them by many criteria, such as type of mission, location, experience level, threat type, payment offer, etc. Search profiles can be saved, allowing for quick access to preferred categories of contracts.
- Those seeking Adventurers can enter assignment offers directly into the app, at the VENTR web site, through a third party service, or through FIDA itself. All offers are vetted as genuine, with significant penalties for those who make an offer in bad faith or with false information.
- Contracts Both Adventurers and hirers have access to the Contracts portion of the VENTR app. The VENTR app automates the creation and acceptance of standard FIDA contracts, which have specific formats and language. These contracts are legally binding on all parties under the same body of international and national laws that created FIDA and recognized Adventurers. Additional bindings can be made upon request, but this requires additional contract administration fees from FIDA.
- Contracts can be negotiated by anyone, for instance, if a team of Adventurers may have a representative or agent. But each Adventurer must accept the contract himself within the VENTR app on his personal smart device order for it to be valid and active, and for FIDA legal guarantees to be in effect.
- Payments The VENTR app has a secure payment system that can convert various currencies into BitGold. VENTR-Pay is a general-purpose funds transfer system that can be used for purposes other than paying VENTR contracts. It is tied into most global payment systems.
- Messaging / Calling / Email VENTR provides secure communications options in the form of short messaging, voice and video communications, and email. These are not limited to communications from other VENTR apps, but can be set up to accept any standard protocol or source. All communication inside VENTR uses the highest level of secured encryption methods in the world.
- Reputation Your customers will provide feedback and ratings in VENTR for your work on their contracts. This accumulates into a general reputation score. Your score is shared with anyone whom you approach for a contract or to whom you provide your VENTR ID. A low reputation can mean less money on offers or even lost contracts.
Your Rights Under FIDA
- To have valid, legal contracts. FIDA has a staff on hand to confirm that every contract you accept is valid before your acceptance is finalized. FIDA will not allow you to accept a contract that does not comply with FIDA’s stringent requirements and the laws of the contract location.
- To retain and carry your equipment. Your equipment is your livelihood, and FIDA has worked hard over decades to attain and retain your right to have, carry, and use it throughout the world. If you are temporarily detained or your equipment is unfairly confiscated, FIDA will work on your behalf to ensure it is returned to you as soon as possible, in as-was condition.
- To have freedom to investigate, seek, and pursue the subjects of contracts. FIDA-sanctioned contracts comprise the fundamental framework under which all Adventurers operate. FIDA has worked hard to secure your rights to operate freely within that framework in every major nation. You should never hesitate to contact FIDA if you think you are being unfairly prevented from performing your contractual obligations.
- To commit violence, including lethal violence, while under contract. International law recognizes that there are situations in which a creature, even a sentient creature, might need to have violence enacted upon them in order to create reasonable living conditions for others. Sometimes that violence is lethal. This is one of the primary roles of Adventurers: to make things better when individuals or local authorities can’t.
- To have any detainment, suspension, or revocation of rights reviewed by FIDA. If your rights to pursue your profession as an Adventurer are unfairly infringed by authorities, FIDA will assist you in making your legal case to restore your rights. Local authorities can and will suspend your Adventuring credentials, but they can’t do so on a whim. Even valid suspensions for infractions such as unnecessarily breaking the law will be reviewed by FIDA to ensure your rights are upheld.
Your Obligations Under FIDA
- Obey the law. Being an Adventurer gives you certain international protections when you are operating within the law, and working under a legal contract. But even petty crime exposes you to as much trouble as it would any other citizen. Your FIDA certification is not a ‘get out of jail free card’ or diplomatic immunity. Also: local governments can and may contact FIDA to suspend your credentials, pending review, if you break the law.
- Provide your valid FIDA credentials on request. This applies to law enforcement authorities and certain other officials, but only when actively operating as an Adventurer. If you are on vacation, or even if you are ‘off duty’ during a contract, you are not required to provide your FIDA credentials. If you possess items or are performing actions that would otherwise be regulated or illegal (such as weapons, or magic), then you are considered to be operating as an Adventurer.
- Work under contract. You’re not a vigilante, you’re an Adventurer. If you operate without a valid contract, you can be held accountable under local law for actions that would otherwise be allowable when operating under FIDA conventions.
Other FIDA Recommendations
- Avoid freelancing. FIDA does not encourage Adventurer’s to freelance, which is working without a FIDA-sanctioned contract. There are no specific penalties for doing so, but FIDA protections and guarantees will not protect you or your interests.
- Proactively check in with local authorities. If you’re in town for a contract, or looking for a work in the area, or even if you’ll be in town for a few days sightseeing and you brought your gear, it doesn’t hurt to check in with the local mayor or chief of police. You never know: They might have a quick side job for you!
- Make an effort to be on good terms with local authorities. Even if they can’t legally detain you or retain your equipment and weapons, the local authorities can make your operations difficult. It’s always better to get along with them when possible.
- Honor the spirit of your contracts. Don’t back out of a contract because the giant rats turned out to be giant toads. If the threat is comparable, complete the contract and approach the hirer in good faith to ask for a fee or consideration adjustment.
A short history of FIDA
FIDA was founded in Paris in 1914 when it became clear that the world was changing and that the tolerance for Adventurers was growing thin. For generations, Adventurers had sought adventure, glory, and reward without much regard for local laws or the people that sometimes came out on the short end of the equation. With industrialization and the advent of firearms, the need for Adventurers had waned, as the average farmer now had the firepower to take care of a pest infestation with the help of a handful of his neighbors.
But as civilization spread, the tolerance for unregulated firearms waned, especially in Europe, which had been torn by revolutions for more than 100 years. So, the average person gave up the weapons that gave them some parity with the threats in their neighborhood. And the intolerance for possessing and openly carrying weapons meant that Adventurers became scarce.
Paris is an ancient city that had long been a hub of for Adventurers. In 1914, a group of them got together and founded FIDA with the distinct purpose of forming a union of Adventurers, and seeking contracts and favorable laws so that they could continue to ply their trade.
Over time, and as civilization spread and technology improved, FIDA’s credentialing changed from laminated ID cards to biometrical profiles, and contracting moved from bulletin boards and word of mouth to offers on the VENTR app.
FIDA has worked diligently and tirelessly to retain the rights of Adventurers under international law. We welcome you to the organization and charge you to uphold FIDA traditions and do your utmost to maintain our reputation and increase the respect the world community has for this organization and our calling.
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