As a child, I was only able to acquire three or four games per year: one on my birthday, one on Christmas, and one or two purchased on my own, using the allowance I had saved up from chores. Once I was old enough to work in the summer, I […]
I consider myself an avid fan of the MMORPG genre. I started playing them when I was in high school with the game EverQuest. I have a lot of fond memories of playing with my friends, even camping the infamous Raster of Guk for weeks on end. These days fighting […]
It all started with a scene in space pulling away to reveal a huge ship and a few smaller ships with slow detailed fly bys of the camera in what we were told are CryEngine3 renderings. Then the internals of a ship with the smaller ships landing and people moving […]
The famed and thought of as dead Space Simulator. Beyond Asteroids, there was Orbiter, Elite series, Wing Commander series, Privateer series, EVE, Kerbal and a whole mess of StarTrek and Star Wars games. The only meaningful mentions in the huge category in the past decade was Kerbal and EVE. One […]
To be fair, Magic the Gathering has long held a monopoly on the majority of trading card games as well as a fairly successful online game well before Hearthstone was created. But in a way, Hearthstone is one of the first to bring what was seen as a niche community […]
Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG with PvE and PvP, with some distinction for World-Versus-Word being separate from PvP, as the core game play elements. Did I mention PvP? When it first launched, I found myself at maximum level very quickly. The next task was dungeons and gearing. I was […]
Introduction Hello, I’m JVerb. I have played games since the NES and later SNES, so for about as long as I can remember, and plan on continuing to do so in the future. I play for entertainment, achievement and competitiveness. Highlights include two notable points: CAL-O in college for CS […]