

About Stanford

Stanford is co-owner and lead designer.

Author’s Preface: This post is going to be image heavy, so it might be best viewed on a tablet or PC. So, as I said in that brief post from last weekend, my family and I went to Wizard World in Philadelphia a couple Saturdays ago. The TL;DR version is that […]

Weekly Dump: Wizard World Philly 2017

So, we’ve talked before about what we hope to accomplish with 2050, but one thing that we keep going back and forth on is the setting itself. After the OGL rules are released, we are going to crunch hard on the core rulebook, which will include a campaign setting. Dad and […]

Weekly Dump: 2050 Setting

So, of course, no modern or near future setting would be complete without a sweet ride. So, vehicles! The way 5e handles vehicles is pretty simple: it doesn’t. Okay, yeah, there is a tool proficiency called “Vehicles(land)” associated with a background or two (the Folk Hero comes to mind). However, […]

Project 2050: Vehicles

Only three primary schools left! Today, I’ll be hashing out the Transmutation spell list. As a school, transmutation seems like it should be one of the more obvious categories of magical mechanisms. It’s a pretty standard concept, turning one thing into another, yet a lot of complexity and nuance exist […]

Project Arcana: Transmutation Spell List

Happy Monday (ugh, Tuesday), everyone! This week, I’ll be finishing up my review of A Touch of Class. Part 1 was last week, so make sure you check that out first. Feywalker The Feywalker is, ostensibly, a fairy-powered fighter. It’s the class for those that want to be Tom Bombadil, though […]

Weekly Dump: ‘A Touch of Class’ Review, Part 2

When we first took our stab at Vitae for Project Arcana, it was called Necromancy and it was a mess. But that’s okay, because we fixed it. The primary change we made to the school was to rename it to Vitae. This, we feel, made more sense for what the school […]

Project Arcana: Vitae Spell List

Welcome to Monday, the day when we turn notionally turn couch change into beer money! This week I’m going to give a brief review of A Touch of Class, which is a new 5e supplement pushed out by EN World over Kickstarter. I want to preface what I’m about to say with […]

Weekly Dump: ‘A Touch of Class’ Review, Part 1

So, it’s the future, and things are pretty sweet! We have here our future bedroll tucked under our future backpack. Inside we have our future trail rations stored neatly beside our future waterskin and future flint and steel. Oh yeah, look at all that future-ey-ness! Woo! Oh, wait, all that […]

Project 2050: Armor

Okay, so, the Conjuration list. This was the first school that we really knuckled down and chomped on. Truthfully, I think if was Conjuration magic that made Dad and I first decide to undertake Project Arcana. It seemed so straightforward (move stuff from point A to point B), yet there […]

Project Arcana: Conjuration Spell List